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Wellington Lakes Tree Farm

May 30, 2015 @ 10:00 AM

Approx 1000 trees – Deborah Maples; Royal Red Maples; Sugar Maples;
Basswoods; Balsam Firs; White pines; plus many more!

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Directions: At Hwy 9 & 10th Sideroad (also called Beeton Sideroad), go North to the 2nd Concession. Go East approx 1 km. On North Side. Watch for Signs. Viewing Friday from 10am to 5pm. Terms: Cash, cheque, visa, mastercard. All verbal announcements shall take precedence over all written materials. Owners & auctioneers not responsible for any accidents in connection with this sale. Auctioneer: Donald W. Reinhart


May 30, 2015
10:00 AM


Wellington Lakes
5928 2nd Concession
Tottenham, ON Canada
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