Selling Protocols

When you’re planning to sell any items through the auction process, it’s important to understand your part as the initial seller. At Reinhart Auctions, we practice strict selling protocols as outlined below:

  • Meet with our auctioneer to discuss what items you would like to sell and when you would like to sell it.
  • For onsite auctions (at your own facilities), please provide at least 1 to 2 months’ notice if possible.
  • For the consignment of a few items, please provide at least 3 to 4 weeks’ notice.
  • After an agreement has been set, we’ll discuss your advertising options.
  • We’ll collect pictures and detailed descriptions of your items to be placed on the website and other marketing avenues.
  • Before the auction, make sure you have arranged the auctioneer’s fees, costs of advertising, and any incidental expenses incurred.
  • After the auction, the buyer will pay for their purchase and collect the items bought. You, the seller, will receive the proceeds from the auction within a short reasonable amount of time.

Just as we offer guidelines for selling protocols, we also offer a page dedicated to . If you are unsure about how to make purchases at any kind of auction, please visit the page for more information.

To contact Reinhart Auctions, simply call us at (905) 846-1071.